Actus et documentation
Restez informés sur les développements importants du Fonds, sur nos actualités, nos articles, nos événements et nos rapports. Nous intégrerons également les liens vers des contenus pertinents de nos partenaires et autres acteurs du secteur.
The International Fund launches a new global open call for funding proposals at World Press Freedom Day
El Fondo Internacional invertirá USD 1.900.000 adicionales para fortalecer el periodismo de interés público en América Latina
The International Fund to Invest an Additional US$1.9 Million to Support Public Interest Journalism in Latin America
Launch of a new Indonesian grant for a cohort of media organizations
IFPIM Akan Memberikan Dana Hibah Baru untuk Media-Media di Indonesia
Launch of a new Philippines grant for a cohort of media organizations
The International Fund for Public Interest Media has launched a new grant program to support a select group of media outlets in the Philippines over the coming three years.
The International Fund for Public Interest Media announces new grant support for a cohort of media organizations in the Pacific
July 4, SUVA, FIJI - The International Fund for Public Interest Media has launched a new grant program to support a select group of media outlets in the Pacific Islands over the coming three years, with the goal of strengthening their economic resiliency.
Donor funding to international media is even lower than we thought – we need to increase it rapidly to protect and sustain independent journalism
The International Fund launches a new global open call for funding proposals at World Press Freedom Day
SANTIAGO, CHILE – The International Fund for Public Interest Media announced today the launch of a new global open call for funding proposals. The announcement was made at the annual World Press Freedom Day Conference organized by UNESCO and dedicated to the importance of journalism and freedom of expression worldwide.
International Fund Published 2023 Annual Report
The International Fund for Public Interest Media published today its annual report for 2023, covering progress and developments in its grant-making, research and learning, coalition-building, and institutional development.
Le Conseil d’experts indépendants nouvellement nommé tient sa première réunion officielle et accueille deux nouveaux membres
PARIS, FRANCE - Le mois dernier, le Conseil d’Administration du Fonds international pour les médias d’intérêt public, composé d’experts indépendants, a tenu sa première réunion officielle, et ce depuis sa nomination officielle le 10 novembre 2023. Le Conseil d’Administration, a été nommé lors d’une cérémonie au cours de laquelle les Statuts du Fonds international ont également été approuvés par les gouvernements de la France, du Ghana et de la Moldavie.