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The International Fund launches a new global open call for funding proposals at World Press Freedom Day
SANTIAGO, CHILE – The International Fund for Public Interest Media announced today the launch of a new global open call for funding proposals. The announcement was made at the annual World Press Freedom Day Conference organized by UNESCO and dedicated to the importance of journalism and freedom of expression worldwide.
The International Fund for Public Interest Media announces the appointment of Makmid Kamara, inaugural Regional Director for Africa & the Middle East

Building on the launch of the International Fund for Public Interest Media’s first operational phase, announced at the 30th anniversary of World Press Freedom Day in May, the appointment of Makmid Kamara as the inaugural Regional Director for Africa & the Middle East is a crucial step in further developing the International Fund’s work in the region. Kamara’s full biography is included below.

International Fund announces appointments of Regional Directors for Asia & the Pacific and Latin America & the Caribbean

The International Fund for Public Interest Media announces the appointments of Irene Jay Liu, Regional Director for Asia & the Pacific, and Vanina Berghella, Regional Director for Latin America & the Caribbean


First Global Fund to Safeguard Independent Journalism launches at UN World Press Freedom Day event

As the United Nations marks the 30th anniversary of World Press Freedom Day, the world’s first global and multilateral fund to support independent media will launch at official events in New York.

International Fund Gets Backing From Global Leaders to Bolster Independent Media
New members of IFPIM management board-elect announced
Nishant Lalwani appointed CEO of IFPIM

The International Fund for Public Interest Media (IFPIM) has appointed Nishant Lalwani as Chief Executive Officer.

BLOG: CEO announcement

For democracy to thrive, independent media must thrive

International Fund for Public Interest Media launches first round of funding in 17 countries

During the United Nations’ celebrations of World Press Freedom Day in Uruguay, on Tuesday, May 3, the International Fund for Public Interest Media (IFPIM), is launching its very first call for applications for funding in 17 countries around the world: Afghanistan; Brazil; Colombia; Georgia; Ghana; Kenya; Lebanon; Malaysia; Mexico;  Nepal; Niger; Philippines; Senegal; Sierra-Leone, South Africa; Tunisia; Ukraine.


Forum on Information and Democracy and Reporters without Borders (RSF) sign MoU with International Fund for Public Interest Media to collaborate more closely

Tallinn, Estonia – Two of the most ambitious international initiatives established to confront potential “media extinction” and support the right to information around the world have today signed a Memorandum of Understanding to collaborate more closely.

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